A Likert scale template is an instrumental tool used in the survey to access the attitude of the people more quantitatively. Psychologists have been developed many scales to measure the attitude of people in a direct way but the likert scale is the best and most used scale. In 1932, it was developed by Likert.

A Likert scale was based on the principal of asking people to provide their response by selecting among a series of statements relating a given topic. The people responded in terms of the extent to which they agreed or disagreed. This made able one to dig into the cognitive along with the affective aspects of the respondent’s attitude.

By selecting fixed-choice statements, the Likert scales were designed. It enables one to measure the opinion or attitudes of many people. This is an effective tool for measuring the level of agreement or disagreement to a particular pertinent issue.

Furthermore, the Likert scale is considered a very specific type of survey questions. They display the sum total of responses to the various Likert items. By using a visual aid that represents a simple scale, these items are commonly represented. A Likert item is a specific statement that a respondent is asked to assess in a given survey. While a Likert scale refers to the table as a whole.

Reporting on a Likert scale:

By using the traditional way, reporting on a Likert scale can be done. This involves adding the values of each selected option. After that, create a score for each of the respondents. The score that results will then be used to display a certain trait that indicates satisfaction or dissatisfaction. These are usually employed in psychological or sociological research studies.

Furthermore, in assessing the respondent’s opinion of key purchasing, product or satisfaction features, this method of reporting can be instrumental. In these scenarios, the scores can be employed in making charts for the distributions of several opinions. After appropriate rectifications of issue/s of concern, this can influence further decision-making for the attainment of a positive response from the common populations.

You can cross-tabulate the score mean with the contributing factors in case you want to undertake further analysis of the date. It would be better in order for the obtained scores to have a meaning in case they have a close relationship to each other and to the topic being addressed.

How to analyze data from a Likert scale?

By using the median response or the mode of the responses, you can summarize a Likert scale. The mean is not commonly used. Make use of the mode of the responses will be the most suitable option. This will able one to easily interpret data from a Likert scale.

The data can be represented to show the distribution of the various observations on a bar chart as the data is not continuous. Due to the nature of the data being presented, you can’t use a histogram.

Critical evaluation of the Likert scale:

The Likert scale doesn’t expect one to only give a response out of two choices that is a simple yes or no. One is given an opportunity to select among an increasing or decreasing degree of options. One can select the option of not having any opinion at all at times. This allows one to obtain quantitative data. Hence, these data can be analyzed in an easier way.

It seems that the Likert scale is the best scale to use to measure people’s attitudes. It can be questioned as some of the responses comprised by social desirability. In order for respondents to present themselves on a positive light, this may have the effect of making some of the respondents to lie.

When to use a Likert scale?

The Likert scale can be a source of very helpful questions. With these questions, you can measure the overall feel of people concerning a given topic, opinion or experience. They can also be used to gather specific data on factors that could be contributory to the expression of a certain sentiment.

For some items in the Likert scale, it will be inaccurate to use some form of questions that are not related. In the case, a scale is where the options are not presented in the appropriate form. For other scale systems, it is suggested not to mix scales within a particular survey. You have to settle on a specific scale. You can use it throughout the whole survey. Analyzing the findings, this will able you to effectively deal with the possibility of confusion. Hence, survey fatigue is reduced. You will also get benefit by having data that can allow you to make comparisons between the different sets of data.

In addition, a Likert scale will be the most appropriate way of getting information if you want to make a multiple-choice questionnaire for your students, employees, colleagues or even your family. At your disposal, it’s the simplest and most convenient option. If you have chosen to use the Likert scale in your survey then download the Likert scale template online. They make your whole process an easy and convenient one.

You can also make use of the sample Likert scale examples and modify them according to your requirements. You can also get a grasp on how they should be designed. Using a Likert scale together with a decision tree template or phone tree template is highly recommended. This is because they make you able to gather and interpret all the collected data using Excel or Word documents. Additionally, by using a rating scale question, you can also create your own Likert scale.

How to make a Likert scale questionnaire?

Here are the steps that you should follow in order to make a Likert Scale questionnaire in the most efficient manner;

Make a decision on what to measure

There are variables that you have to measure while conducting your research on something. These variables are measured to make a conclusion on the topic as well as they act as the foundation of all your questions and the response scale.

The first thing that you have to do while doing your research is to find out what to measure from the variables you have. After that, make the questions and possible answers to those questions.

Make a Likert Scale indicator questions

You may realize that using a Likert Scale will be appropriate when you have looked at your variables and identified that there are various factors that influence your audience either directly or indirectly.

When you are making the Likert scale, you will have to consider all the factors that affect their satisfaction and include them in your survey. This will assist you in getting the accurate response regarding all your questions and statements.

Phrase your questions and statements

You can decide to use both the questions and statements while making your Likert scale. They can help you to keep your respondents engaged. Make the questions or statements that are conventional and easily relatable.

Make use of positive and negative framing

Your questions should have both positive and negative framing. The participation of respondents may be biased in case all your questions or statements only ask about things that they are set to agree on.

Some additional tips for making a Likert scale questionnaire:

Here are specific tips that you have to bear in mind when you are making a Likert Scale Questionnaire;

  • Your statements or questions have to be very specific.
  • The language you are using in the questionnaire, make sure that it is easy for your target audience to understand.
  • To force answers to your target audience, never use biased questions.
  • Make sure that your questions or statements are precise and to the point.

The benefits of Likert scales:

Here are the benefits of the Likert scale;

  • Your respondents remain happy by having Likert scale questions as well as the quality of data gets improved. It helps you in avoiding some of the common pitfalls of survey design which is one great thing about the Likert scale. In addition, it contains simple and direct language which will keep the respondent focused and happy.
  • When questions pay attention to one topic then the Likert scales work better. In your survey, each series of questions should be focused around the same topic. This will assist you in getting more accurate results.


In conclusion, a Likert scale template is a useful tool that makes you able to easily and accurately design questionnaires that will be specific to your subject. When formulating questions, you should check out the specific format that ought to be followed. These templates are print—friendly and you can use them to create questions.

Faqs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I average a Likert scale?

Yes, you can average a Likert scale. But, in most cases, you can’t get useful answers to the questions or statements that you are seeking by taking the average of a Likert scale.

How to interpret a mean score on a Likert scale?

The mean of a Likert scale technically shouldn’t be calculated by one. The Likert scale is ordinal meaning that no one will be able to tell whether or not the gaps between the different levels are equal.

Why should you use the Likert scale?

In questionnaires, the Likert is used, a unidirectional rating system. It is made to measure attitudes, perceptions, or opinions of the people. The Likert scale is often used by the researchers for understanding the views and perspectives towards a brand, product, or target market.

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