The employee emergency contact form is important because it allows you to contact the right person when an employee falls ill or meet an accident during working and requires medical attention. Some businesses or companies don’t require such information. However, it doesn’t matter what type of business you are running, having an employee emergency contact form is significant.

What basically an employee emergency contact form?

An employee emergency contact form is a written document that contains information of an employees’ health and an individual to be contacted when an employee falls ill or meet an accident during working or is absent for some days. In case of emergency, this form helps the health professionals to know about the employee’s blood group or any other health-related information that he/she might be suffering from. Moreover, the employees should provide exact information in the form.

What to include in an employee emergency contact form?

An emergency contact form should contain the following important information;

The Introduction:

This section plays an important role in the form. It is the first part of your form that starts a conversation. Here you have to include the following information;

  • Employee’s name, address, and age.
  • Employee’s National Identification
  • Name of the department

Medical history:

Next, include the employee’s health history. The employee should include his/her medical history in detail in this section. The following information should be included in this part;

  • Employee’s blood group, blood pressure, and sugar level.
  • If an employee is suffering from any heart problem or other disease then also mention it. You can also include the medical prescription and any other relevant information. Also, mention what procedure you are following to remain healthy.

Emergency contact information:

This is the last and most important section of this form. In this section, you have to provide the information of the person to be contacted in case of an emergency. Provide precise detail of the person. You should include the following information here;

  • Person’s name
  • Home Address
  • Contact number
  • Email Address
  • His/her relationship with an employee

Employees must fill in an emergency contact form:

Employers should fill this form with every employee. This form helps the employers whom to contact during an emergency. Employees can select their parents, friends, or relatives to fill in this form. Furthermore, the form assists the employers to choose the right approach when contacting the employees’ emergency contact and they contact parents differently as compared to any other individual.

Some businesses don’t consider it important as they are not aware of the advantages of this form. Most importantly, it acts as a lifesaver because it provides information during an emergency. Bear in mind that the information present on the form is confidential you can never share it.

When to use the information provided in the emergency contact form?

The employer should use the provided information only and only when;

  • The employer can use this information when an employee falls sick during working and needs medical attention immediately.
  • Before giving leave notice, the employee can’t able to show up for work for many days.
  • When an employee is suffering from any disease and his condition gets worse.
  • In addition, if the person living with an employee informs you that the employee’s whereabouts are not known for many days.

Importance of an employee emergency contact form:

It’s the employer’s responsibility to request emergency contact information from new hires. It doesn’t matter either your job is risky or not, asking for emergency contact information is necessary. Also, inform the employee that his/her relative’s or friend’s personal information will keep confidential.

Occurring injuries in the workplace are typically rare. If an employee falls ill or gets injured then its employer ethical obligation to inform his/her relatives or close friends. Hence, in this case, information on the emergency contact form helps you a lot.

This form also used in many circumstances such as when an employee stops showing up to work then the form helps you to know about the person’s whereabouts. If the employee has left the company and final paperwork and paycheck have to be sorted out.

Keep updating the emergency contact information:

Sometimes employers fail to update the emergency contact information regularly. Keeping outdated contact information is almost the same as having nothing. The HR department should update the information at least once a year. However, if you have a number of employees and each of them has two or three emergency contacts so it becomes difficult for you to keep a record of all that information. But keeping outdated information is not a solution. Employers and the HR department should work on it.

In which instances do you need an employee emergency contact form?

Following are the instances in which you need this emergency contact form;


Emergency contact forms are filled out by the employees for the records of the company. Employers must ask their employees to give emergency contact details. Some employees don’t like to share such information but sharing a relative or friend’s contact information proves beneficial for both the employee and employer in the future. Moreover, the occurrences of workplace accidents are quite common. In the case of a workplace injury, supervisors have a huge responsibility to tell the emergency contact of the person what happened.


You can request your clients if you are a business owner to fill out an emergency contact form. This way, you can get in touch with them if the need arises.


Landlords must also ask their tenants to fill out this form so that they would know whom to call when an emergency happens.


Parents must fill out an emergency contact form when their children go to summer camp.

What are the benefits of an employee emergency contact form?

Let us discuss below the benefits of having this form;

  • An employee by filling out this form agrees to undergo an examination through the medical staff of a company. When the employee gets sick or injured at work, this form allows the medical staff to do a check-up of the employee.
  • Parents or legal guardians fill out this form for their children. In case an emergency occurs, the school or college administration uses this information to tell them about what happened.
  • It is clearly mentioned in the form whom you should notify in case of an accident or an emergency.
  • With the help of a form, employers can stay updated about the current medical concerns and conditions of their employees. They can make specific adjustments on the basis of the information provided by the form.

How to select an emergency contact?

In selecting contacts, the first step you have to do is to make concise consideration about it. To be included in the emergency contact, there are various criteria that should be met. The first one is that the contact must be accurate and relevant. Furthermore, ensures that the included person is trustworthy and has the potential to handle the high-stress situation. You should also check Address Book Template.

Above all, the employer should not be reluctant to inform the relatives or friends of an incident as it is also a courtesy. In some cases, it is a legal obligation to notify about employees’ serious injuries during the working day.


In conclusion, an employee emergency contact form is the first tool that is used in the workplace area when an incident occurs. The individual mention in the form is generally an employees’ family, legal guardian, and close friends or partner. An emergency contact form helps the employer to immediately contact the right person for the injured employee. Moreover, this form is also beneficial for an employee as it acts as a lifesaver for him/her.

Faqs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the main information to include in an employee emergency contact form?

The main information to include in this form is the following;

1- The employee’s name
2- The employee and the next of kin’s contact details
3- The home address of the employee
4- The job department and title of the employee

In which instances can an employee emergency contact form be used?

An employee emergency contact form can be used if an employee experiences the following;

1- Gets sick at work
2- Engages in a work-related accident
3- Suddenly suffers from a heart attack

Can you add your boyfriend/girlfriend’s details to the employee emergency contact form?

Yes, you can add your boyfriend/girlfriend’s contact details to the form but it would be recommended to include details of your closer relatives such as parents, siblings, etc.

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