You must create a statement of need template before writing a grant proposal. A statement of need is a document defines the need that the organization must address for the project you plan to undertake. This statement must convince the investor that the project you are planning meets an important need of society.

What is a statement of need in a grant proposal?

A statement of need states the situation or problem that your project addresses or solves. The foundation or agency staff who are responsible for issuing the grant, this statement spells out the situation to them.

Furthermore, the primary driver of your grant proposal is the needs statement as it describes the following;

  • The problem at hand
  • Its effect on the community
  • The benefits of solving it
  • The ramifications of not solving it

The needs statement sometimes acts as the starting point for the grant proposal. Understanding the depth of the problem that the grant writer wants to address is helpful before they set out what they want to do. For the entire proposal, the needs statement develops the context.

What to include in a statement of need?

A well-made statement of need should immediately grab the interest of the investor. It describes quantitative data in the form of facts and qualitative data in the form of stories. In any statement of financial example, the need you plan to address should relevant to the objective and mission of your nonprofit organization clearly.

Moreover, you should support your business need statement with concrete proof such as trends, statistics, and expert views. The information that your document contains should directly support and relate to the ability of your organization to respond to the need. Also, it should be created in such a way that it’s easy to understand.

You should try to avoid using circular reasoning while composing the document. This is a common mistake that people make while composing this letter. This kind of reasoning indicates that the absence of solution you have is the real issue. After that, the solution you have is the way to solve this particular issue.

In your statement of financial need example, you should make use of supporting and comparative statistics along with other relevant researched information. You can also include an example of a community that is benefitted from something identical to the need in your statement. For your proposal, this gives you with a strong case.

In addition, you must document all of the data you gather while researching. The information you research should come from reliable and reputable sources. Also, to support your claim, take the most current information. No matter from where you have taken all of your resources, you must cite them all in your document. In the end, ensure that the needs that you address on your document must relevant with the goals of the funder. You should carefully think about the main issues that you have to address. Also, don’t distract yourself by the smaller issues.

Basic features of a statement of need:

Let us discuss below the basic features of the statement need;

The main issue

All communities have their own issues that require addressing. In case, you have a plan or project that has more than a single issue then that is okay. But, it is essential for you to make your business need statement that pays attention on one main issue. You plan to ask for funding in order to link your project to the objectives of the funder. The funder must find your main issue fascinating. Therefore, you should align your statement of need template with those objectives.

Comparative statistics and data

The statement of need must logically resonate in the mind of funder. For this, use relevant and local data that you have assembled from research. This gives the funder with an overview of your community’s existing situation. For the solution you are offering, statistics and data can provide strong support to the need.

Connection with the Heart

The concrete logic and reliable data you include in your statement of need is important. But, you also have to bear in mind that the investors you want to approach are also human beings and have real emotions. Therefore, you should give a connection to their heart. This way, they understand the whole situation. In your statement, you should keep the balance among quantitative and qualitative information.

Emphasize the hurdles

In the end, include clear identification of the challenges or hurdles that are relevant with the main issue. The gap which exists between your community’s current state and the possible state, leave some space for their description while composing your statement of need. Including this information is essential. This is because it provides the funder a sense of urgency related to the gap you’ve identified.

How to write an effective statement of need?

Follow the below tips to write an effective business need statement;

Tell a story

You should include a personal touch to your stories to make them better instead of sharing simple stories. When you do this, it changes the issue from an abstract idea to a story that involves real people. Include a simple statement which makes it more personal after giving a clear description of the need. After that, address your planned issues. Then, close a statement which demonstrates the need for your solution.

Balance pragmatism with passion

As you build your case, to highlight the relevance of your cause, you may feel tempted to create an image of dire despair. You should try to avoid making appeals which are too exaggerated or emotive. In terms of superlatives and crises, a lot of organizations must frame their work. However, some work does fit this category in case your own project doesn’t. Explain the urgency without creating your document sound too dramatic.

Make sure it counts

There is very little chance that you’ll secure the grant you want if your plan to address isn’t linked to the interests of your funder. A company or foundation won’t show their interest in case their main interest doesn’t align with your project. It won’t matter how eloquent you make your document.

Proofread and edit your document as required

In the end, you must invest in your process of editing. Just putting a lot of thought into a statement doesn’t make it a perfect one. Before printing, sending and submitting the document, proofread it thoroughly.

How to make a compelling needs statement for a grant proposal?

Here are a few necessary components that must be included in the needs statement to make it compelling;


Explain in detail the situation that your proposed grant addresses. The facts that you know and the current status of the issue should be explained in detail.


The individual or group that is most affected by the situation, tell the stories about them. Describe the experience that they may face as a consequence of this problem. The affect it may leave on them and their families on a personal and measurable basis.


Obviously, funders want to see real, comparative, and current data that indicates how the problem has affected the community. They also require comparative data that indicates how your solution will solve the issue. They also want to know that how the same solutions have worked in other communities. In addition, make sure that the data should be quantitative containing hard numbers and reasoned interpretations.


In conclusion, a statement of need template is an important document that clarifies the impact and urgency of your project. The statement of need template is the most important part of the grant writing process. You start the process of grant writing with the business need statement.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

What is an opportunity statement?

A precise analysis of a product idea or plan to choose is recommended by an opportunity statement in case the thought is value following.

What is a good qualitative problem statement?

A good or an effective qualitative explains the following;

1- The autonomous and dependable variables
2- Conducting a function of establishing the plan
3- Drafting a study hypothesis to be tested
4- Specifies the connection among variables that the research wants to find

What is a problem statement in grant writing?

In all grant proposals, the problem statement is the important component. The problem statement is considered as a first impression that the reviewer can have of your project and funding request.

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