A reading log template is a personal diary where a person can record the activity of reading something. The reading log template helps the user to understand what information is necessary to record. So, the best advantages of using a reading log can be achieved.

Reading log is helpful to the persons who like to read a lot. Most people forget what they have read and the other details. Thus, the reading log template allows the readers to record their thoughts about the article, book, or anything. You may also like a multiple choice test template.

A reading log is much like a diary or a journal. However, it is a bit formal and includes more specific details about the article a person reads. Also, a reading log can be a part of the school assignment.

What is a reading log?

A reading log is a journal that keeps the record of every book or article students or children read. In some schools, it is the part of formal assignments and sometimes an individual keeps it just for himself. It enables you to think in a more sophisticated and reliable way about your reading.

However, it just contains the title and author of the book. You can also add any other things like give the book stars for rating, the theme of the book, or whatever you want other than the title and author.

What is exactly a reading log?

A reading log is basically a journal or diary that enables you to keep a record of your reading activity. It tells you what you have read when you read it, and how many pages you have read. It summarizes the following things;

  • Highlights the date and pages.
  • Name of the author
  • Title of the book
  • The plot of the favorite scene
  • The climax and much more.

It is not just used by book lovers, nowadays teachers at school and parents at home also used it to keep the record of kids reading activity and to develop a habit of reading among them.

What is the purpose of a reading log?

There are various purposes of a reading log that are mentioned below;

  1. For keeping a record of what you have read.
  2. To be aware of how much you have read.
  3. For tracing the impressions
  4. For knowing that what you like and make changes
  5. For remembering things you have read.
  6. For becoming a better writer as well as reader.

Moreover, students used it to prove their reading to their teacher.

Elements of a Reading Log Template

There are several types of reading log template. However, it depends on the purpose of doing a reading log. So, the reading logs that are used to record the school reading activity include more details than a personal reading log. You should also check the logic model template.

The reading log for the school must have the following elements:

  1. Date
  2. Book Name
  3. Author
  4. Genre
  5. Page Numbers
  6. Reading Minutes
  7. Parent Signature
  8. Teacher Name and Signature

As the parents have to manage the daily reading log of kids. Therefore, reading a log template book is a part of kids’ stationery. It’s a pre-formatted logbook that has been printed using a reading log template.

Further, the reading log for personal use has less information. It doesn’t include the coach or parents’ signature. However, the date, book title, author name, page number, and reading minutes are still important to record in a personal reading log.

How to write a Reading Log?

There are several steps for writing a reading log using the reading log template. However, there is a slight difference in writing a personal reading log than a kid school reading log.

So, it is very important to purchase an attractive journal or diary. As it will mentally help the reader to open the journal daily for writing the log. Secondly, it is highly recommended to keep the reading log journal with the book you are reading or at the reading spot.

Further, it is important to read slowly, actively, and carefully to get maximum out of the book. So, first write down the bibliographic information of whatever you read like author name, book title, publisher, and publishing date.

Write down the date, page numbers, and reading minutes. Also, it is most important to write down the page numbers of the passages that are your favorite. Finally, keep on taking notes while reading and reread the reading log journal after finishing the actual book. You may also see the mileage log template.

How to Make a Reading Log Template?

Let us discuss step by step how to make a reading log template;

  1. Firstly, purchase an attractive journal. You should choose a colorful one to stay motivated and open-eyed. But if you are a decent person then you can select a simple one.
  2. The next step is to read books actively and widely. You should read new material regularly; it will enable you to make your reading register more interesting.
  3. Next, write the bibliographical information. The bibliographical information contains the following;
    (i) – Name of the author
    (ii) – Title of the book
    (iii) – Date of publication
    (iv) – Publisher
  4. After that, write the date. You should write down the dates too as you read. It will definitely help you to remember the time when you read the book.
  5. Also, involve the page numbers. In your reading log, you can also keep a record of paragraphs, items, quotes, passages, or anything you read in the book.
  6. The last step is to draw a conclusion when you have read the book completely. Take out the meaning of the storybook.

How a reading log works?

An easy way to record data is using a reading log template. Kids should use the log as a reading journal or to document their progress. They should follow the below steps to complete their reading journal;

  • Select a book that seems fun and interesting.
  • Schedule reading time no matter even if it is only 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Read the book.
  • After reading the book, write down the author’s name and the book title.
  • Specify the amount of time you spent reading or the number of pages read.
  • Write a short chapter summary.
  • The parents or guardians should sign the log.

Using reading log templates:

There are many unique reading log templates that teachers can download online to motivate reading among their students.

Select a reading log template according to your needs

If you will use a reading log in your classroom then select fun printable reading logs. You can download a reading log design on the basis of your student’s requirements. Download a printable reading log if your students have to fill in a lot of numerical data.

Use a printable reading log to promote a love of reading

The reading log is a fantastic source for educators as well as for anyone who wants to track their reading. Parents can use reading logs to motivate their kids to read more at home.

The benefits of a reading log:

Here are the benefits of a reading log that encourages the kids to read a book;

  • Older students used reading logs outside of school independently. You can incorporate students’ routine and encourages them to have an independent task when they have a duty to record their minutes read or pages read in the reading log. When kids know they have to write in their reading log, it can increase their reading time which provides them an opportunity to build self-discipline.
  • Reading logs allow the students to select whatever book they want to read. Teachers should ask their students to select books from their school library or local library. Students can use a reading journal in such a way that provides them an opportunity to explore their local libraries and bookshops. It is more fun to wander around a bookshop and select a new fiction book.
  • When students write in a reading log daily or weekly, this makes sure that they are reading on a regular basis. Also, this will make the students able to understand the content of their selected book more easily.
  • Reading must be pleasurable and viewed as a fun and exciting activity. Using reading log templates can make the process of designing reading logs unique. Also, it is a versatile and creative option.

Faqs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How to create a Reading Log Template in Excel?

A reading log template is a simple document that can be used online or in printed form. If a person is reading an eBook, an online cloud-based tool like Google Sheets or MS Excel with SharePoint is recommended to use.

However, a simple reading log template can be created with the MS Excel spreadsheet tool. As the advanced features of MS Excel provides better control over the tabular documents. Also, the output is print-friendly.

What interesting things are added to the reading log?

Following interesting things must be added to the reading log;

1- Plot a precise summary
2- Identifying the likeness or dislike
3- Mention the favorite quotes and passages
4- Write about the favorite scene
5- Name the most liked and hated characters
6- Strengths and weaknesses
7- Moral

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