A trailer bill of sale form is a generic template that serves to record the change in ownership of a trailer. The main purpose of this form is to transfer the items like vehicles, everyday storage, etc. Furthermore, the original copy of this form is required by the new owner for registration, title, and obtaining license plates.

What is a trailer bill of sale?

Basically, a trailer bill of sale is an agreement that acts as evidence of transactions made between a buyer and seller for a new and used trailer. This document is for the sale of any kind of structure that could be towed by a vehicle. It is beneficial for both a buyer and a seller because it protects them from unwanted liability and fraud in the future. Moreover, you can use it for both personal and commercial purposes.

Information should be included in the trailer bill of sale form:

The important information that should be included in the trailer bill of sale form is;

  • VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
  • Make and model of the trailer
  • Number of wheels
  • The time period of manufacturing
  • Signature of both parties
  • The agreed price
  • Name and address of the seller and a buyer
  • Date of sale

Guidelines for selling a trailer:

Here are some guidelines that will help you in selling a trailer;


At first, determine the type of trailer. For pricing purposes, you must know every detail of the trailer you are selling. It enables you to build confidence with the buyer. If the information in the trailer doesn’t match with the trailer itself then this document protects you from any accountability. Furthermore, the prices of the trailers depend on the type of trailer you are selling. Typically, it is categorized into four groups;

  • Hauling trailers which can be kayaks, boats, etc.
  • Flatbed trailers
  • Enclosed trailers which can be refrigerated
  • Vehicle carrying trailers.

However, their prices lie in between hundreds to thousands of dollars.


Next, develop the trailer’s worth. The trailer’s type, size, and shape can identify the trailer’s selling price instead of its manufacturer. Before determining the trailer’s price, it’s better to first check the trailer over-under local listings in your area. In this way, you couldn’t underprice or overprice the trailer.


If you want to get the most cash from your sale then you should give it a good touch-up before listing it for sale. In addition, your trailer looks good for the web. You should list your trailer online because it can expand your customer base. Also, it makes you able to direct contact with prospective buyers.


After that, arrange a meeting with a prospective client in a quiet place to decide the final price. Builds confidence with buyers by making sure they that you deal with are genuine and understand the fundamentals of working a trailer. You can also ask them that what they will do with the trailer and are they agree with the trailer’s price.


When both parties agreed on a reasonable price, it’s time to create a complete and comprehensive bill of sale. Include the all above-mentioned important information in the document. Next, before allowing the trailer on the road, send these details for approval to the state. Keep in mind that every state has different times and regulations for approval.

Steps to writing a trailer bill of sale:

Let us discuss step-by-step how to write a trailer bill of sale;


Firstly, collect the details for your trailer, boat, outboard motor, etc. These details include;

  • Purchase price
  • Trailer description like condition, make, model, VIN, etc.
  • Vessel description includes condition, hull material, HIV, etc.
  • A motor description such as serial number, fuel, model, etc.

Also, include the name, address, and contact information of the buyer and the seller.


The next step is to check the state requirements. This is because every state has particular requirements for transferring the title of the trailer. Every state requires that the bill of sale should sign in the presence of an adult witness. However, all these key points should be mentioned on your state’s DMV (Division of motor vehicles) website.


Both parties should sign the form when the buyer and seller have agreed to all the mentioned terms in the bill of sale. To make the bill of sale validate your state can require the witness signature. However, you should sign your document by a witness party if you want to prevent a future dispute over the sale, even if it isn’t required by the state.


In the general case, the buyer has the original bill of sale and the seller keeps a copy. You can also make two similar copies and sign them by both seller and buyer. Moreover, some states require filing the bill of sale with the DMV.

File the bill of sale if only a trailer has sold. But if along with trailer boats or outboard motor has sold then the transfer can be handled by another office.

When you require a trailer bill of sale?

You require a bill of sale when you are going to buy a trailer. The bill of sale serves as proof of ownership and is mandatory to register the trailer with the DMV.

Secondly, you require it when you are selling a trailer. It protects you from a future dispute that may arise due to the trailer’s ownership or condition.

Why do you require a trailer bill of sale form?

  • You need a trailer bill of sale to register a vehicle by the DMV.
  • A bill of sale is also required by the insurance companies to put insurance on a trailer.
  • In case, the new owner does something wrong in the future, this bill of sale protects you from legal actions taken against you.
  • Once the new owner has possession, you don’t have to send tickets or other kinds of legal documents with the trailer.

How trailer bill of sale document is essential in sales transactions?

When you sell a trailer, a trailer bill of sale makes sure that the sales process goes smoothly and is done accurately. You can’t get insurance on a trailer that you purchase without a trailer bill of sale. Also, you can’t able to transfer the title into your name. It proves very beneficial in protecting both parties from legal action taken against them.

Additionally, if there is ever an issue with the identification of the trailer, it gives a lot of details about the trailer in question. It can be easier to draft a correct and accurate bill of sale. Make use of a template to make the right bill of sale document for any situation that involves the sale of a trailer.

What are the legal requirements to sell a trailer by the state?

It is important to understand the legal requirements in your state while selling a trailer. Here are some general tips that you must keep in mind;

  • The seller in most states has to provide a bill of sale to the buyer.
  • Some states ask you to notarize the bill of sale.
  • The seller must give the buyer a title or registration document that indicates the trailer’s ownership.
  • Before selling the trailer, the seller must inspect the trailer in some states.
  • The trailer may be subject to additional regulations if it has a gross weight of over 4,500 pounds.


In conclusion, a trailer bill of sale form makes it easy for you to buying or selling any trailer. Both the seller and buyer use this form for smooth and secure transactions. If you want to sell a trailer then follow the above steps and guidelines they will surely help you in selling your trailer more effectively.

Faqs (Frequently Asked Questions)

With a bill of sale, can you register a trailer?

Yes, you can register a trailer with a bill of sale but some states also require the title of the trailer. It would be recommended to go through your state requirements in order to identify which document you require to register your trailer.

Can a bill of sale act as proof of ownership to sell a trailer?

Yes, a bill of sale can be used as proof of ownership and you can sell a trailer by having just this document.

Do you require a notary to sign the trailer bill of sale?

It depends on the laws of your state whether you need a notary to sign the trailer bill of sale or not. Some states require a notary to notarize the seller’s signature on the bill of sale.

Where to find a trailer VIN?

You can find a trailer VIN on the trailer tongue or frame as well as on the registration and title documents for the trailer.

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