A DuPont shift schedule template is 12 hour rotating schedule for shifting. It generally requires 4 crews who would be working on two 12-hour shifts to enable 24/7 coverage. This schedule consists of a 4 week work cycle;

  • For the first week, 4 consecutive night shift schedules and 3 rest days
  • 3 consecutive day shift schedules for the second week and 1 rest day then 3 consecutive night shift schedules
  • 4 consecutive day shifts for the third week and 3 rest days
  • For the fourth week, 7 consecutive rest days

Each employee, with this kind of schedule, would be working an average of 42 hours each week. This schedule was created by the company in 1950s. The most unique feature of this schedule is that at each 28 day schedule rotation, the employees have 7 or 8 consecutive rest days.

Moreover, drafting a 12 hour shift schedule can be quite complex if you are not used to it. Therefore, bear in mind that a DuPont typically contains;

  • The work schedules of 4 day or night shifts
  • A rest day that is scheduled between 3 night shift schedules
  • 3 day shift schedules

DuPont schedule features and their definitions:

Let us discuss below the features of the schedule as well as definition of these features;

  • The plan ID: it is a unique code that you can use to determine shifting plan for your employees.
  • The name of your shift: it must be included in the schedule.
  • The Applicability: it indicates the kind of work your shifting plan was made for.
  • The Teams: it specifies the number of teams that would be required to work on the shifting schedules on the plan you made. From just one or more people, a team or crew may be made.
  • The Shifts: it showcases the different shifts that you have plotted on the pattern. Include the description of the shift and the length of it in every shift.
  • The Repeat Cycle: this feature indicates the number of days required by each team to complete for the entire shift sequence. Once the repeat cycle has been completed, the same shift sequence starts again.

The rotation consists of following different processes;

  • Rotation shift pattern
  • Forward rotation
  • Backward rotation
  • Fast rotation
  • Slow rotation
  • The Average Hours Per Week
  • The Staffing Fluctuation

The benefits of DuPont shift schedules;

There are a lot of benefits for creating and employing a 12 hour shift schedule template like the DuPont one. Here are some benefits of this schedule;

In each work cycle, employees get to enjoy more days off

Every 4 week work cycle comes with at least 7-8 consecutive days off. This is especially appreciated by the employees. This is because they get a lot of days resting, spending time with their families or doing recreational activities. This schedule also makes the employee able to take care of personal appointments. It also saves daily expenses that come with working like costs on commuting and food.

Employees have more weekends off in general

This type of schedule provides employees a lot more weekends off particularly if rotations are done. The maximum number of full weekends employees on 8-hour shifts can enjoy is about 13 each year when looking at figures. On the other hand, for the 12 hour shift schedules, there are 26 possible full weekends annually.

Employees get longer breaks

Employees do get to enjoy longer breaks in between to work for 12 hours straight can be quite taxing. For the next shifts, they would use these longer breaks to rest up. But, surely, they can make use of their time however they wish.

Employers Benefit Too

Employees don’t have to worry about assigning double shifts to employees in having this kind of schedule to make up for others that are absent as the teams work on each of the shifts. Afternoon shifts are also avoided. It is hugely unpopular for employees and employers as well.

These benefits will really work for your advantage. They would also keep your employees happy and satisfied with their work.

Some pointers to consider while making a DuPont shift schedule:

You would most likely begin drafting the 12 hour shifts immediately in case you have already planned to begin using the DuPont shift schedule. Before this, you should consider a few factors that would identify whether this would be a great choice for your company. Consider the following pointers while making a DuPont shift schedule;

The size of your staff

You would have to take into consideration the size of your staff as you would require at least 4 teams or crews to be able to pull of this kind of shifting schedule. In this case, a smaller staff might not work. This is because your employees may end up being stretched too thin while working on the different shifts.

The workload and coverage

Each and every day per week, this kind of schedule must be able to come up with stable workload coverage. The shifts may have differed workload coverage. But, it is essential that it should be the same each and every week. You have to combine the 12 hour shift schedules with 8-hour shifts which overlap in order to think you would need more coverage.

The feasibility

To pull of this particular kind of shifting schedule in your company, think long and hard about how you will be able. You have to make a good schedule during taking into consideration all the teams and employees who will be working the 12-hour shifts. In addition, talk about your employees about the schedule if it’s a rare thing you will be introducing.

The examples

You would have to come up with a few shift schedule examples in order to plan to have a 24/7 constant coverage in your company. This makes you able to see the bigger picture as well as all the drawbacks and possibilities that come with it.

The pattern of your schedule

You can make your own personalized work shift plan and pattern if you find that your staff size isn’t enough. Select the one which would fit into your company. Don’t sacrifice your employees in order to make able to come up with a plan that doesn’t actually work for you. You can use different references. You can come up with a pattern that is your own.

It’s time to look at more useful facts regarding this and other such 12-hour shift schedule templates while you are more equipped with information about the DuPont schedule.

What are some facts regarding the 12 hour DuPont shift schedule?

Here are some facts about this schedule;

  • When you use a 12 hour DuPont shift schedule, it doesn’t mean that you have to reduce the number of staffs in your company because your all employees will work for the same number of hours each week. However, the number of hours each week may vary which is the only difference. In fact, you may need to add on a couple more employees in case your staff size is small.
  • With this kind of schedule, employees will get long breaks and rest days as well as employees will be working longer hours too. Inform your employees who are very used to the 8-hour shifts regarding this schedule in order to prepare them. This way, you can easily introduce the schedule to the employees. After introducing, ask them that whether they willing to work longer hours and want to enjoy longer rest days.
  • This type of schedule is considered more flexible and applicable to different kinds of work environments.
  • According to research, around 2% wages will increase when a company changes from an 8-hour shifting schedule to a 12-hour. Also, consider handling the overtime while doing such type of changing.
  • Your company might get working in a different and better rhythm in case you have planned your schedule strategically i.e. from the teams to all the beginning and ending times of each of the shifts. Since your employees get more holidays so they work productively in the office.
  • By following this schedule, your employees can easily complete those tasks which take a longer time and which they would complete for 2 8-hour work shifts.
  • This type of schedule is typically followed by the younger workers because it would be difficult for older ones to work for longer shifts. Also, don’t shift your schedule only to have your employees break down due to the longer hours as your employees might end up getting sick. So, you must speak to your employees regarding your plans.
  • Another important thing to consider is the kind of work your employees have to do. In comparison to 12-hour jobs which involve a lot of physical activity, 12-hour desk jobs may be a lot easier to work with.
  • You may have to add in extra break times in case of more physical kind of jobs.
  • With this kind of schedule, your managers or higher ranking people might not be too keen. Apart from speaking to your employees, you should also speak to your supervisors and managers in the company as well.
  • Hence, when making such type of change in the company, you have to consider a lot of things. Before making important decisions, you have to plan all the details well and meet with the right people.


In conclusion, a DuPont shift schedule template is a helpful tool that assists you in drafting an effective DuPont shift schedule. This schedule has its own format and parameters that would require to be adhered to in order for it to work well.

Faqs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What industries use the DuPont shift schedule?

The following industries are using the DuPont shift schedule;

1- Chemical
2- Manufacturing
3- Power
4- Engineering
5- Police

How many hours shift is DuPont scheduled?

DuPont is basically a 12-hour shift which is equivalent to a workweek of 42- hours. For working, DuPont features 168 hours.

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